学校距离: 1 Km
行政主管学院的: € 80.00
设施: 空调, 阳台, 有线电视, 中央位置, 关闭本地设施和服务, 烹饪设施, 抵达后存款 requiered, 洗碗机, 电梯, 不包括每日清洁, 加热, 互联网访问, 铁, 在抵达时的键, 厨房, 洗衣, 微波, 学校附近, 电话, 附近的公共交通, 冰箱, 座位区, 茶/咖啡机, 毛巾, 电视, 清洗机, (WIFI) 无线互联网, 办公桌
Shared apartment in Bilbao
It is a great option as a way of accommodation in Bilbao, living in a room in an apartment. You can have more independence and share your experience with other people from different countries.
We provide room in shared apartment in Bilbao, close to our school Spanish or in any other area you prefer.