
private course - 20 lessons per week

Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman), 安曼, 约旦

阿拉伯语一到一 20 每周的经验教训

private course - 20 lessons per week
09:00 - 21:00
一, 二, 三, 四, 日
€ 92.34 tooltip
any age

级别: 初学者, 小学-级别 A1, 前中级-A2 一级, 中级-级 B1, 上部中间体-B2 水平, 高级-级 C1, 精通-C2 水平

1.Number of Lessons per week: Determined by the students. A student may apply for as many lessons as he/she needs. This course is based on offering 20 lessons per week ( 5 days x 4 hours per day).

2. Levels:. A private student will have to sit for a placement test on the first day of the course to determine his or her level.

3.Courses: The content of the private course will be decided by the instructor based on the language needs of the students. The course may focus on Modern Standard Arabic, Media Arabic, Business Arabic, Classical Arabic, Colloquial Arabic, etc.

4. Dates: Private course can be held anytime of the year. Start and end dates are decided solely by the student.

5. Immersion packages that include accommodation and trips can be arranged upon request for people registering in the private programs.

Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)

Queen Rania Street, 安曼, 约旦

  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)


一般信息: Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)

教室的数量: 20

每间教室的学生的平均 n º: 10

年龄最小的学生: 16


离机场距离: 30 km.

最近的机场: Queen Rania International Airport

年学校打开: 2005

学校开放时间: 8:00 - 21:00

学校关闭日期: 显示





•The center is located in the neighborhood of the university of Jordan, which has a population of 40,000 students. Therefore, students enrolled in Ali Baba Center have access to all types of facilities available for college students such as: restaurants (Western and Arabic food) , shops, cafés, banks, residence halls, hotels, money exchanges, sport clubs, hair dressers, etc. We usually introduce the new students to local university students to show them the whole neighborhood. The center has 15 spacious air

•conditioned class rooms, a modern café, a common/social room, language lab, and large reception area. Some facilities such as sport facilities, shops, cafés (like Gloria Jeans), restaurants are located in the same building. All types of facilities a student may need are nearby the school since the school is located nearby the University of Jordan . Our instructors are all native Arabic speakers. They are highly qualified. All academic affairs of the center are managed by an Academic Advisor who is PhD is Arabic language, and has long teaching and management experience. Our strategic location nearby the University of Jordan allows us to have access to the main library of the university, thus enriching our quality of teaching.


课程 € 462.19 Por semana
开始日期 学生


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条款和条件: Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)

- 必须在全额支付服务 14天前课程启动以完成入学率和安全中的课程和/或住宿的地方。
- 银行收费是由学生支付
- 学生必须是 15年岁或以上


- 取消需要以书面形式向学校传达由预定路线的人。
- 将允许没有课程更改,弥补了在课程取消退款。
- 收到取消通知的位置 1数天后入学没有将任何不获退还。
- 押金是不退还的。
- 入学费恕不退还。
- 注册费恕不退还。
- 住宿预订费恕不退还。
- 为缩短课程时间付款后的会退款。
- 课程开始后,有任何取消,恕不退换。
- 那里一门课程开始后被预订任何住宿或其他项目,恕不退换。
- 没有学费是退款晚来港定居人士、 早期离开或缺勤,无论任何原因,从任何过程的类。
- 如果一个学生是不存在的一个或多个周的时间,可以安排课程的持续时间,在没有扩展为额外的成本。


- 取消任何当局并没有退款。


- 签证拒绝任何当局并没有退款。


最新预订为这所学校是从 约旦和保存 € 55.40!