
Russian for Politics&Military

Russian Language Academy BORN, Riga Beach, 拉托维亚

一般 俄语+ 对话 25 每周的经验教训

Russian for Politics&Military
09:00 - 13:45
一, 二, 三, 四, 五
€ 110.00 tooltip

资格: TRKI 试验的俄语作为一门外语

级别: 前中级-A2 一级, 中级-级 B1

We are happy to offer you our new Russian course: Standard Russian + Russian for Politics & Military in mini groups. The course is created as result of the growing interest among our students about lessons related to politics and military Russian. The course is great for those who intend to not only improve their general knowledge of Russian. It is useful for everyone who wants to enrich political and military vocabulary.

Russian for Politics + Military course is available for A2/A2+ and B1/B1+ levels.

Good to know: You may combine Russian for Politics & Military course with other courses at your discretion. For example, 2 weeks of Intensive Russian (25 lessons per week) + 2 weeks of Standard Russian + Russian for Politics & Military in mini groups.
Why take Russian for Politics & Military course?
Enhanced Communication. Knowledge of Russian will facilitate effective communication in regions where Russian is spoken. Also it will help you with communication where there are interactions with Russian-speaking individuals. It’s particularly beneficial in international operations or missions.
Strategic Advantage. In situations where Russian-speaking adversaries are involved, proficiency in the Russian language can provide a strategic advantage in negotiations, planning, and decision-making processes.
Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Efforts. The course is useful or military personnel involved in peacekeeping or humanitarian missions. Knowing Russian can aid in building rapport with local communities and assisting in humanitarian efforts.
General information:
* Intensity. 25 lessons per week: 20 lessons of Standard Russian course + 5 lessons of specialised Russian in Mini groups of no more than 5 students (average 1-3 students).
*Levels. specialized Russian for Politics & Military is available for:
1) Level А2/А2+ with educational material adapted according to the level.
2) Level В1/В1+ for students of intermediate and advanced levels.

* Duration. 2 weeks, 25 lessons per week. During this 2-week course you will get 10 lessons of specialized Russian (Politics&Military) and 40 lessons of Standard Russian.

*Start dates. 22.01, 12.02, 11.03, 8.04, 13.05, 10.06, 8.07, 5.08, 2.09, 30.09, 14.10, 4.11, 9.12.

Russian Language Academy BORN

Raina bulvaris 31 - 5, Riga Beach, 拉托维亚

  • Russian Language Academy BORN
  • Russian Language Academy BORN
  • Russian Language Academy BORN
  • Russian Language Academy BORN
  • Russian Language Academy BORN
  • Russian Language Academy BORN
  • Russian Language Academy BORN
  • Russian Language Academy BORN
  • Russian Language Academy BORN
  • Russian Language Academy BORN
  • Russian Language Academy BORN
  • Russian Language Academy BORN
  • Russian Language Academy BORN

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关于个别学生点评 Russian Language Academy BORN

2 点评

一般信息: Russian Language Academy BORN

教室的数量: 7

每间教室的学生的平均 n º: 5

年龄最小的学生: 16


离机场距离: 25 km.

最近的机场: RIX

年学校打开: 1996

学校开放时间: 8:30 - 17:00

学校关闭日期: 显示


茶、 咖啡


Quality School Award 2013


• Russian Language Academy BORN is located in the heart of the capital of Latvia

• Riga. Just across the street there is the National Opera House in one direction and the central train and bus station in another, a block away is the central building of the University of Latvia, across the park is the Old Town. The academy is also lucky to have a big shopping mall Origo nearby, where students may find everything the might need during their language stay: from stationery to restaurants and cafes. Russian Language Academy BORN is located on the second floor of a historical building. It has 7 cosy classrooms, all equipped with necessary learning technology. It has a library and of course free Wi

•Fi for students. Let's not forget the free tea! It's a small gesture, but it adds a cozy touch to the learning environment. Imagine sipping tea while conjugating verbs—talk about a warm and welcoming way to study! Your teachers: At the Russian Language Academy BORN in Riga, students hit the jackpot with skilled and patient teachers. They get a double dose of expertise and understanding, making the learning journey both effective and enjoyable. It's like having language mentors who not only know their stuff but also make the process as smooth as a Russian ballet performance. Studying Russian in small classes (3

•5 students) brings a bunch of perks: Personalized Attention: Smaller classes mean more one


•one time with the teacher. You get personalized guidance and can address your specific learning needs. Active Participation: With fewer students, everyone gets a chance to actively participate. It's like a language jam session where you're not just a spectator but a key player in the linguistic orchestra. Comfortable Environment: A cozy setting fosters a comfortable learning environment. It's like having your own language oasis where you can freely explore and make mistakes without feeling lost in the crowd. Better Interaction: Small classes encourage better interaction among students. It's not just about listening to the teacher; it's about engaging in meaningful conversations with classmates, creating a more immersive learning experience. Faster Progress: With focused attention and active participation, progress tends to speed up. It's like taking the express lane to language proficiency, making the learning journey more efficient and enjoyable! The school offers accommodation possibilities in the Shared Flat, in

•house Residence, Host Families, Shared House and Hotel. Students are welcome soon to get the maximum progress in Russian and now in a much better environment.


课程 € 0.00 Por semana
开始日期 学生


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条款和条件: Russian Language Academy BORN

- 必须在全额支付服务 15天前课程启动以完成入学率和安全中的课程和/或住宿的地方。
- 银行收费是由学生支付
- 学生必须是 16年岁或以上


- 取消需要以书面形式向学校传达由预定路线的人。
- 收到取消通知的位置 7数天后入学没有将任何不获退还。
- 押金是不退还的。
- 住宿预订费恕不退还。
- 为缩短课程时间付款后的会退款。
- 课程开始后,有任何取消,恕不退换。
- 没有学费是退款晚来港定居人士、 早期离开或缺勤,无论任何原因,从任何过程的类。


- 如果一门课程被取消多 7天早于开始日期,将以下收费:
- 1周学费
- 1周住宿


- 万一签证被拒签的学生,学校将收取 100 EUR + 200 EUR deposit欧元和剩余的余额将会退还给收到拒绝信的原件签证的学生。


Please refer to school's website for more information regarding the Terms and Conditions of the Russian Language courses: http://russian-academy.com/booking/procedure-and-terms.
最新预订为这所学校是从 卢森堡和保存 € 98.00!