通用英语 10 每周的经验教训
资格: 英语国际通信电缆 (TOEIC) 考试
级别: 小学-级别 A1, 前中级-A2 一级, 中级-级 B1, 上部中间体-B2 水平
这样学生进步以适当的速度,但他们具有足够的灵活性,以满足个人的需求,经过精心策划的经验教训。重点放在提高流利和英语语言的一般理解。课程重点:-说、 听、 读、 写技能-语法结构、 词汇和发音-讨论对英语文化、 传统和当前事务-项目工作、 工艺品和创造性活动
103-105 Greenford Road, Harrow, 伦敦, 英国
以下评论被提交者就读的学生 KKCL English
他们是反映他们的经验,在这所学校学习的时候的学生意见和快递不做 LanguageBookings.com 的意见
关于个别学生点评 KKCL English
I had a good experience in KKCL. The teachers were good. Everybody is friendly.
It is like a family; professional but also friendly. =)
Everyone was friendly and helpful. Teachers were good. I learned a lot of things.
Karolina felt happy and safe during lessons. She is planning to come here again next year. (Karolina's Parents)
My teachers are very nice and funny and I learnt a lot!!!
We have never seen our son so ecstatic about anything until yesterday. He is already thinking about going back to your school next year.
I enjoyed the classes and I met different people. It was nice!!
Teachers are wonderful, kind and friendly. Moreover, the prices are good!
The teachers were fantastic, excellent method of teaching - in particular Marta and Oliver.
Teachers are very talented and lessons are very prepared! My host family were very nice, helpful and lovely.
I am very pleased with KKCL. At first my son was a little afraid of knowing new classmates. But as days went by, he was more and more interested in coming to school. He practiced the language very muc...
I am very happy about the experience at KKCL!
We are learning English and enjoying at the same time!
Excellent school!I'm totally satisfied about it! Oliver is the best teacher! Fanny classes with Richard, Marta and Ishrat. You have the possibility to play games and studying at the same time!Fin...
They have the best teachers! The college is amazing and provides the best teaching ever! The classes are enjoyable and I was able to learn English very well. They have an excellent and affordable sum...
教室的数量: 10
每间教室的学生的平均 n º: 12
年龄最小的学生: 10
• KKCL青少年Go Create!英语游学课程 (冬/夏令营) http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTMzNjczNzIzMg==.html Go Create! 电影制作 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTMzNjcyOTQ4MA==.html KKCL优质成人英语课程 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTMzNTk1Mjc0NA==.html KKCL技术英语 (TELC English) http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTMzNTkzNjc5Mg==.html “这里的课程都经过精心设计,重点突出,富于挑战,同时鼓励独立学习,学生从中受益匪浅。教学评估既具有系统性又非常及时,意见反馈也达到了极高水准。学生成绩十分突出。” ——独立学校督察会,2013年