Campus France - Campus France

Campus France - Campus France

Campus France Agency was created by law on the July 27th, 2010. It is a public institution (EPIC) in charge of promoting higher education and managing the reception and international mobility of students, researchers, experts and guests. A decree from December 30th, 2011 indicates the agency’s terms of action.

The institution resulted from the merger of the public interest group CampusFrance and the association Égide and is under the supervision of the Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The higher education and research institutions contribute to the policy guidelines of the agency through the “Campus France Forum”.
Campus France will engage again in its activities with the CNOUS starting from September 1st, 2012.


Accent Francais

2 rue Jules Ferry, 蒙彼利埃, 17 显示地图

Accent Français是一所精品学校,在这里,您会感受到我们对您的关注,我们的团队将竭诚为您服... 了解更多信息 »

French in Normandy - International House Rouen

26 bis rue Valmont de Bomare, 鲁昂, 17 显示地图

运行 & 5 年运行,投票星级法国学校的家庭持有法国政府质量标签,提供语言和文化课程,在友... 了解更多信息 »

Langue Onze Toulouse

10 rue des arts, 图卢兹, 17 显示地图

质量、 专业精神和创造性教学的一个独特的位置来学法语 !成立于 1991 年,坐落在图卢兹历史... 了解更多信息 »

Newdeal Institut de Français

74 avenue Thiers, 波尔多, 17 显示地图

Newdeal is located in the elegant and bustling French city of Bordeaux, in Southwestern France. The school is sit blocks from... 了解更多信息 »

Planete Langues

Institut International de Rambouillet 48, rue G. Lenotre, Rambouillet, 巴黎, 17 显示地图

Planete Langues also known as Institut International de Rambouillet is a language school located in Rambouillet only 10 min... 了解更多信息 »


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