学校距离: 2 Km
行政主管学院的: € 35.00
设施: 空调, 床上用品, 有线电视, 关闭本地设施和服务, 抵达后存款 requiered, 装备的最高标准, 花园, 加热, 互联网访问, 在抵达时的键, 液晶, 电话, 冰箱, 座位区, 毛巾, 电视, (WIFI) 无线互联网, 办公桌
Placed in the heart of the old Regal City of Bosa, Corte Fiorita is a Hotel with several locations spread all over the historical centre of the Medieval village. Staying here you’ll have the privilege of being part of habits and the culture of locals, discovering the typical activities belonging the territory, close to the river and the sea.