Premier Language Centre 添加到收藏

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3%上这所学校由现在预订您的语言课程,在 上的折扣 !






课程标题: General English
课程时间: 09:00 - 14:00
最低年龄: 18
€ 149.56
天的课程: 一, 二, 三, 四, 五 最大类的大小: 16
学校管理员。费用: € 0.00 tooltip 学生的平均人数: 8
课持续时间: 75 分钟 课程材料: 包括
资格: 国际英语语言测试系统 (雅思)
级别: 初学者, 小学-级别 A1, 前中级-A2 一级, 中级-级 B1, 上部中间体-B2 水平, 高级-级 C1
Premier’s General English Language courses cater for students ranging from Elementary to Advanced which aims to:- 1.1 Provide students with the basic language & comprehension skills of reading, writing, listening and pronunciation speaking. 1.2 Teach students vocabulary and grammar, and holistically improve their studies of English Language. 1.3 Serve as a foundation to Premier’s more specialized, unique courses that can aid every other manner commercially relative to the English language.
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课程标题: Mandarin Language
课程时间: 09:00 - 12:15
最低年龄: 16
€ 199.42
天的课程: 一, 二, 三, 四 最大类的大小: 12
学校管理员。费用: € 97.48 tooltip 学生的平均人数: 5
课持续时间: 75 分钟 课程材料: € 97.48 强制性的不包括 tooltip
级别: 初学者, 小学-级别 A1, 前中级-A2 一级
Premier Language Centre is the right place to learn new languages. Premier’ is directly related to the well established CASS Training Centre in Sydney Australia that benefits from a long history of providing quality training standards that meet the statutory standards of both countries and Australian Universities. PREMIER’ Malaysia has been established to focus on delivering quality education with a difference at affordable prices. The difference being that we are able to offer not only English language training but we are also providing Arabic, Malay, Mandarin, and Russian languages. Our very high training standards are the result of our team of local & international instructors meeting high-level test standards working in modern facilities in the Kuala Lumpur Central Business District (CBD), which allows us to provide a unique pathway to study. At Premier we aim to improve the holistic value and potential for our students in a manner beyond that provided elsewhere and we welcome your questions in this regard.
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课程标题: Arabic Language
课程时间: 09:00 - 12:15
最低年龄: 16
€ 199.42
天的课程: 一, 二, 三, 四 最大类的大小: 10
学校管理员。费用: € 97.48 tooltip 学生的平均人数: 5
课持续时间: 75 分钟 课程材料: € 97.48 强制性的不包括 tooltip
级别: 初学者, 小学-级别 A1, 前中级-A2 一级
Premier Language Centre is the right place to learn new languages. Premier’ is directly related to the well established CASS Training Centre in Sydney Australia that benefits from a long history of providing quality training standards that meet the statutory standards of both countries and Australian Universities. PREMIER’ Malaysia has been established to focus on delivering quality education with a difference at affordable prices. The difference being that we are able to offer not only English language training but we are also providing Arabic, Malay, Mandarin, and Russian languages. Our very high training standards are the result of our team of local & international instructors meeting high-level test standards working in modern facilities in the Kuala Lumpur Central Business District (CBD), which allows us to provide a unique pathway to study. At Premier we aim to improve the holistic value and potential for our students in a manner beyond that provided elsewhere and we welcome your questions in this regard.
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课程标题: Russian language
课程时间: 09:00 - 12:15
最低年龄: 16
€ 199.42
天的课程: 一, 二, 三, 四 最大类的大小: 10
学校管理员。费用: € 97.48 tooltip 学生的平均人数: 5
课持续时间: 75 分钟 课程材料: € 97.48 强制性的不包括 tooltip
级别: 初学者, 小学-级别 A1, 前中级-A2 一级
Premier Language Centre is the right place to learn new languages. Premier’ is directly related to the well established CASS Training Centre in Sydney Australia that benefits from a long history of providing quality training standards that meet the statutory standards of both countries and Australian Universities. PREMIER’ Malaysia has been established to focus on delivering quality education with a difference at affordable prices. The difference being that we are able to offer not only English language training but we are also providing Arabic, Malay, Mandarin, and Russian languages. Our very high training standards are the result of our team of local & international instructors meeting high-level test standards working in modern facilities in the Kuala Lumpur Central Business District (CBD), which allows us to provide a unique pathway to study. At Premier we aim to improve the holistic value and potential for our students in a manner beyond that provided elsewhere and we welcome your questions in this regard.
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请选择 住宿





2 - 转让




€ 0.00



LanguageBookings 最佳价格保证

预订确认的 100%

一般信息: Premier Language Centre

教室的数量: 6

每间教室的学生的平均 n º: 12

年龄最小的学生: 18


离机场距离: 80 km.

最近的机场: KLIA

年学校打开: 2013

学校开放时间: 9:00 - 18:00

学校关闭日期: 显示




•We can assure you that your choice of the Premier Language Centre in Kuala Lumpur is sound as it rates as one of the highest quality English Language Centres in Malaysia and for your information meets international standards by virtue of it being indirectly related to a well-established overseas Student college in Sydney, Australia. The following sets out additional details for your consideration:-

• The Premier Language Centre is a subsidiary to the CITC Australia Cass Training International College (Legal Entity - Cass Training Pty. Ltd).

• The same quality of learning that is being offered in the Cass Training International College in Sydney is also being offered in the Premier Language Centre with our teachers being Native Speakers.

• There will be a cross exchange of staff whereby experienced teachers from Sydney may also travel to Kuala Lumpur on a needs basis.

• BY being situated in the Central Business District of Kuala Lumpur, we work as a team providing the highest standard of care, assistance and academic facilities to all of our Students which combined with a personal touch provides a high degree of security in the minds of our Students thus embodying the quality and standards that our group offers to our Sydney Campus.

• Our Students are encouraged as they may wish, to meet and mingle with other Students from different countries and cultural backgrounds which invariably assist in their studies and making new friends.

• The nationalities of our Students range from China, Indonesia, Middle East, Russia, Korea, Japan, Africa and more, which enhances the practice of English and ensures Students have a balanced cross culture experience which is part of a good education.

条款和条件: Premier Language Centre

- 必须在全额支付服务 30天前课程启动以完成入学率和安全中的课程和/或住宿的地方。
- 预订不可转让。
- 银行收费是由学生支付
- 学生必须是 18年岁或以上


- 取消需要以书面形式向学校传达由预定路线的人。
- 收到取消通知的位置 1数天后入学没有将任何不获退还。
- 入学费恕不退还。
- 注册费恕不退还。
- 住宿预订费恕不退还。
- 课程开始后,有任何取消,恕不退换。
- 那里一门课程开始后被预订任何住宿或其他项目,恕不退换。
- 没有学费是退款晚来港定居人士、 早期离开或缺勤,无论任何原因,从任何过程的类。


- 取消任何当局并没有退款。


- 注册费
- 周学费
- 周住宿
- 注册费
- 周学费
- 周住宿
- 剩余余额将退还给收到拒绝信的原件签证的学生。


Students’ Responsibilities
• Do not be late for classes
• Always tell the College where you live. If you change your address, you must tell the college.
• Switch off your mobile phone in class at all times
• Do not eat in class
• Do not chew gum in the College
• Do not spit in the College
• Take responsibility for your things while at the College
• Do not drink alcohol or smoke while in the College





然后,选择您希望参加的课程。您可以添加可选的服务,例如住宿和机场接送。如果您想要添加这些额外的服务,你需要去进一步下移页您将在这里找到有关住宿的部分。你选择你想要的住宿类型的选项 (您不需要选择日期,在这里,如果他们是课程相同-它们会自动被选中)。
在住宿以后, 你有另一种选项,,转让。此选项允许您预订运输,会接你在机场,将带你到你的住所或寄宿家庭。

一旦您选择了所有这些选项,请在您的右手边,你要去看您的预订所有路线和住宿,以及它们的价格的信息摘要。此外,将会那里显示你要付的定金。你只需要按下新书说,现在的橙色按钮,这将会带你到另一个页面,输入您的个人资料. 当您预订时只要你付出小小的存款。之后,我们将联系学校,并请求您的预订。当您的预订由学校或主机确认之后时,他们将举行你地方直到您预订的余额全额支付。这同样适用于住宿。你可以付钱要么用信用卡、 paypal 帐户或银行转帐 ;如你喜欢。现在你付这笔存款将从总的价格折扣。剩下的钱不会支付到您的课程开始前的 15 天。在任何情况下,您将收到电子邮件有关您存款付款 ;此外,有关和提醒剩余的钱需要时,它将被支付。
最佳价格保证: 100%保证你付出的最低价格。我们为您提供可能课程最低-你从来没有付出比如果您预订直接与学校本身或其他任何地方。此外,我们的服务是免费的。我们不收取任何预订费用。

我们是一个促进信任与协作的市场。这是为什么我们已经建立的最佳过类工具和服务,当然协助和磨练你做出正确的决定的理由。找到学生的评论、 宿主的引用、 学校质量密封件和资质认证,......了解更多

如果你需要援助,你总是能够打电话给我们的客户支持,无论您是主机、 一个学校、 一个客人或学生。之前、 期间和之后您的课程,我们在这里为你。您可以轻松地联系我们经验丰富而且友好的顾问。我们都是按电子邮件、 电话、 skype 或甚至实时聊天!

您的预订 100%确认 : 它是不太可能出了差错与您的预订确认后由学校. 事实上,我们是有信心的如果你不能实现一个地方为在所选学校的课程,我们将与您充分的存款信用您的帐户和为您找到另一种可能的替代。
您应该知道在 7 月和 8 月比在任何其他时间一年,这意味着课程费用、 房屋价格和总体生活成本往往更多的语言学校有更多的学生在这段时间昂贵。如果你想要预定在 7 月或 8 月的一门课程,你应该这么很早: 学校有名额和可能提前预定好的高发季节。你的机会来获取您的首选的房屋类型也是更大的如果你提前预订您的课程。学校附近的房屋选项是特别困难,安全在夏天,往往迅速填满。
语言课程 (9 月至 6 月) 淡季不只较不昂贵,但也有更小的类。如果你能等待,在这段时间采取您的课程你将支付较少为您的课程,和你甚至可能会收到更好的住房,因为需求是低得多。请查看此信息语言课程详细信息内语言学校页上。
你可以找到下面每个价格在学校上的可用性状态/主机页。然而,如果您提交预订申请和你的地方不是可用,缴交按金将 100%退还。
最新预订为这所学校是从 法国和保存 € 17.55!